The Roundabout | A Perfect Circle

roundaboutChristmas and New Years vacation is over, refreshed, ready to get back to work!  In this edition of Car Talk, we’re going to discuss a European form of traffic engineering, the roundabout.  It is being used more and more stateside and the GDOT.  Sometimes incorrectly referred to as a “traffic circle”, the roundabout is incredibly easy and efficient, provided you understand and practice a few simple rules.

1:  USE YOUR TURN SIGNAL!  This is a rule that can be used anywhere, not just roundabouts.  The turn signal is standard equipment on all cars and easy to use, up for a right turn, down for a left turn.  We’ll cover this in more detail in a later edition of Car Talk.  When approching a roundabout, if you are making a right hand turn, TURN ON YOUR RIGHT SIGNAL!  If you are in the roundabout and about to make a right and a car is waiting, TURN ON YOUR RIGHT SIGNAL!  This lets the driver know you are turning and they can proceed on.

2:  YIELD TO THE TRAFFIC IN THE ROUNDABOUT.  When you see a gap in traffic, enter the roundabout. If someone in the roundabout is making a right and properly using their turn signal as outlined above, you may enter.  Approaching a roundabout and no traffic is present, do NOT stop and look both ways!  No traffic is coming, proceed on.  Just remember to slow down when entering, don’t hit the roundabout at full speed.

3:  NEVER, NEVER STOP IN THE ROUNDABOUT!  I have actually seen this happen.  If you are in the roundabout, follow it to your turn, make your turn and proceed on your way.  Vehicles waiting to enter the roundabout are waiting on a gap.  You do NOT need to stop and let someone enter.

Here is a link to the Washington State DOT website covering negotiation of a roundabout, and applies anywhere.  Keep Cruisin’!  –J.  


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